From 2005, Révélations hongroises is involved in the production of films and the coordination of production in between Hungary and French-speaking countries with technical support and consulting activities.
At the moment, we are taking part in the production of The Mouse with a Mouth (Le Mulot menteur), a film of the Hungarian director Andrea Kiss together with Ambiances… (Belgium), Kecskemétfilm Kft. (Hungary) and Els’Anime (France).
By clicking here, you can visit a part of the exhibition which Révélations hongroises proposes around the making of the film of Andrea Kiss.
This exhibition has been already shown in several places and festivals (Plein la bobine 2006, La Bourboule France, Aye Aye Film Festival 2006, Nancy France, Kino Achteinhalb, Sarrebrücken Germany…) and is suitable for all public.
If you want more information about this exhibition, please of the association.
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