Révélations hongroises: Web site design


Technical information (browsing accessibility of the web site)

This item will be on line by the next web site update around 15/10/2019.


General design of the web site, texts: Jean-Philippe Salvadori

Illustrations and photos
For the welcoming page of Révélations hongroises and for the pages dedicated to the films: The pictures are from the chosen films and are the property of their authors.
For the pages dedicated to the Andrea Kiss’ film The mouse with A Mouth, the pictures are from Andrea Kiss and remain her property.
For the pages dedicated to events in which Révélations hongroises is involved, the pictures are, except mention clarifies contrary, the property of Révélations hongroises.
For the other pages, the pictures are, except mention clarifies contrary, the property of Révélations hongroises.

– French-English: Andrea Kiss, Jean-Philippe Salvadori
– French-Hungarian: Andrea Kiss

Last update: 26/01/2017
Next update: 15/10/2019

Technical information

Navigation et accessibilité
This web site was designed in order to be accessible with a maximum number of browsers and operating systems.