Le Bal des chats / O Baile dos gatos

A music-video of Cécile Corbel song Le Bal des chats (The Ball of the Cats) - album: Enfant du vent (Child of the Wind)

Directed by: Andrea Kiss

France, 2019, 2 min. 11 sec., video HDTV1, 16:9, color
Script:Andrea Kiss
Characters design:Andrea Kiss
Backgrounds:Andrea Kiss, Philippe Crozat
Image:Andrea Kiss, Jean-Philippe Salvadori
Animation:Andrea Kiss, Philippe Crozat, Jean-Philippe Salvadori
Music:Cécile Corbel song The Ball of the Cats (album Child of the Wind)
Editing: Andrea Kiss, Jean-Philippe Salvadori
Production:Universal Music France - Polydor / Lionel Grosheny

A ball at night… of mouses. A big cat came and pretend he is dancing but tries indeed to catch a little mouse which enjoys a lot the cat’s game.

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